Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Update on my Lovely Day

I am still major on medication and I have no idea if this post will make sense or not. The bottom line is, I went in today to have two things done. One was have the IUD that had moved to where it shouldn't be removed since it couldn't be removed normally. The other was to have Essure put in.

It required lots of meds, although I was still awake. I even got a shot in the booty. And then about 3 inside 'there'. The one in the butt was worse. After much work, they fished out the IUD. Yay. Then they started with the Essure. Basically, that involves putting springs in each tube and then letting it scar over.

My insides were not cooperative. My uterus is very prolapsed. And my tubes aren't quite right either. They (well, the only one they worked on) had lots of spasms and violently rejected the springs. The head Essure Dr-dude was in there to assist, and even he was in awe of what my body was doing/not doing.

Also, there was a lot of pain. A very sweet nurse held my hand and rubbed my leg and kept handing me tissues because at this point I was in a lot of pain. Lots. And then I kept crying despite of myself.

They had to give up. So that made me cry more since all that had been for nothing.

They gave me other options, but we have no idea what we want to do now. I can barely type this, so I'
m going to need a few days to get clear headed, and then we'll start from there.

So I am a freak of nature, lol, and this didn't work for me. Thanks for all the prayers and texts. Sorry if some of this blog was TMI. Also, thanks to my dad for going with me to drive and my mom for keeping the kids and then cooking a really great dinner that everyone inhaled.

1 comment:

  1. My sister in law had this done, and is now having problems with pain and abnormal bleeding 1 year after the procedure. Your rejection may be a blessing in disguise. I hope you feel better soon!
