Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Q&A, 1

I totally stole this from one of my friends. When she started doing this, I thought, "Too bad I'm done, or I would have enjoyed doing this."

Ha. Ha. HA.

How far along? Roughly 8 weeks

Total weight gain? 1.5

Cravings? Potatoes. MILK. Not together, lol. (The cravings part is very similar to my pregnancy with my oldest.)

Morning Sickness? Yes. Certain smells nearly kill me (like the smell of popcorn) I generally feel unwell and boarder line nauseated and heart burn-y all day. Things I used to eat and drink with no problem (like bread) now repulse me.

Baby is the size of…   a blueberry  (which  makes me wonder why I am already in my maternity pants?!)

Trouble sleeping? I WAS having terrible RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) which is complete and utter torture. I am now sleeping with a bar of soap under my sheets and I don't have it any more. Mind. Blown.

Aches/Pains/Swelling? Not really.

Happy or moody?  Moody. It's worse in the mornings. If I can make it to noon without crying, I consider it a good day. (But I also had to come off my anti depressant, so I think I'm doing pretty well considering.)

Nursery Plans? Ha. No. I have tracked down a crib to borrow. But honestly, this baby will share a room with me and Gabe til he/she can sleep all night. It's one of the 'horrors' of being  Baby #3 thru whatever.

Reaction of Other Children?  They were (and are) all super happy. Including our Latvian daughter (who isn't here yet). I was afraid she would find out thru someone else (since she's on FB now and has several friends here). We told her Sunday. She was very happy. :)

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