Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Ridiculous Day

The last couple of days have been the kind of days I think I shouldn't be allowed to DO anything. Everything I do or touch turns into a project I was not anticipating.

School? It's not just school. It's a treasure hunt for pencils that walk away and hide. Oh, and think the ruler will be where it's supposed to be? Nope. Even though I try to keep all the things I need for school in my school area, little artists think otherwise. And apparently the ruler makes a great ramp for the toy cars. Figures.

Breakfast? It's not just breakfast. It's a chance to pick up soggy Cheerios off the floor with a crying, milky three year old.

Errands? Errands with kids are interesting, to say the least. Today's task seemed easy since all I had to do was drive thru the bank. That's it. Just drive through. Of course, it's 19 degrees when we try and go, which means socks, shoes and coats are a must. Times 3. Which means they all have to be located x3 and put on, laced up and zipped. Times three. And my garage door hates the cold as much as I do because it won't come down. Up, yes, but not down. And I can't leave if the stupid door is up. So I struggle with it, finally get it down and get back in the van. I don't think I thawed out til we were on our way back home.

At some point vacuuming seemed like a great idea. Then I vacuumed up a cute little Hello Kitty sock. I told myself I didn't care. It was an old sock and was almost too small for my youngest anyway. I soon realized I had to care, bc the sock had clogged the tube and there was no suction. So I take apart the tube as best I can, but it's stuck smack in the middle and there is nothing in my house long enough and thin enough to poke it loose. Twenty minutes later, I get it out and finish vacuuming.

"Hey kids, it's COLD! Let's have a fire!" Oh, wait, there's no firewood. No big deal, we'll gather all the limbs that have fallen in all this INSANE wind and burn those. Oh, wait, they're too big. No big deal, I'll break them. Oh, they won't break. No big deal, I'll saw them. Oh, I sawed them into pieces that are too big for the fire place? No problem, I can saw them again. On the hearth. Making sawdust. On the floor I just vacuumed.

There's a lesson in here for me. Maybe I just need to learn when to quit. Or maybe I should just learn when not to even start.....But hey! Tomorrow is another day. One with NO fires, errands or vacuuming. I cannot guarantee no Cheerios, though.

1 comment:

  1. It's probably sad to you that your misfortunes have always made me laugh uproariously. Can I bring up Lucille Ball now?

    But please let me extend my condolences about the school supplies. I went so far once as to write on each pencil, "Help! I'm lost! Take me back to the school desk!" but it didn't work. Now, finally, they keep up with pencils (sort of), but Pip bites all the erasers off.

    The firewood. HAHA!

    -- Sara.
