Friday, June 17, 2011

Please send me to Fat Camp....

I am so frustrated. I have cut out lots of foods and tried to keep moving and I can't seem to lose weight. I lost all the weight after Jadyn. I lost about half of it after Ava, and then got preggers with Hadley and added to it. So what I weigh now is what I weighed when I gave birth to Ava, so needless to say, I feel huge. I resent my skinny friends. I resent my friends that can go to the gym or have their kids in school so they can actually exercise without being pestered to death. I seem unable to find a consistent time to be able to walk in my neighborhood. And I kind of don't care because even when I did it everyday, I still held on to my weight. I guess I need even more than a 40 min speed walk. I have tried to dress nicer so at least I feel better about myself. Which worked for a bit, but now I am seeing pics and worse, a video of myself, and I want to crawl in a hole. It's been almost four years. I am ready to move on. And I would be happy to just lose SOME of it. I don't even care if I make it to pre-baby weight. 

Pardon the pity party. I'm just so frustrated.


  1. Have you had your thyroid checked? Charlie went through the same thing - he was determined to lose some weight; measured all his food using 1 cup; counted calories for 2 weeks; spent 2 hours every day at the gym and NO change with all that. He was soo frustrated. Went to doctor they said hypothyroid so he got on medicine and so far has lost 30 pounds! woohoo! go get it checked please!

  2. Everybody's body is different, so the promise that if you "watch what you eat and exercise you'll get thin" is a hollow promise. You might feel better about getting checked out, as suggested above.

    As for going to the gym or exercising without kids... I KNOW I KNOW. This year Darren and I were lucky to find a teenager who can come an hour every Monday evening so we can go to the gym. But otherwise, it's hard to find time. (Especially since I don't particularly enjoy the gym or walking around the neighborhood.)

    I know you want to be thinner. But don't rate your worth on your clothes size. Too many people do. You are a fun, appealing, and inspiring person.

    -- SJ
