Wednesday, June 8, 2011


***When school ended, I was contemplating what to do with my oldest one during the summer, if anything. I am all for giving kids a BREAK from school; I think they need that. And I have seen her struggle with something in the spring, have her summer break, and then magically know/do that same concept when we start school again. Mostly I was wondering if I should keep drilling her math facts, telling time, count change, and make her read to me through the summer.

Turns out that I didn't need to worry about 3 out of 4 of those things.....she is (slightly) obsessed with reading the clock. We got a big wall clock for our living room back in the spring, and it apparently beckons her to read it and then announce the time. She is also reading at least a book a day to me. She begs me to listen to her read. And for the last three weekends we have had a yard sale and there has been tons of coinage around here that she has enjoyed counting. I guess we will get to the math facts eventually! Or not. We'll see.

***It has been the Week Of Babies around here. One friend had her (3rd) baby and as she was leaving the hospital, another friend was going in to have her (4th) baby. And yet another friend surprised the FaceBook world by finally announcing (and bringing home) her newborn adopted twin boys! And it's only Wednesday!!! (And if you're wondering if that makes ME want to have another baby, I can tell you. No. It doesn't.)
***My two youngest girls learned about the Ten Commandments last Sunday at church. My 3 year old was able to tell me several of them, and my 5 year old informed me that 'resting on God's Day means napping after church'. LOL I'll have to remind her of that next Sunday when I am trying to sleep.

***We got the results back from our ChickFilA fundraiser. We made about $150. Thanks again to all that came out! We will be doing it again at the Monroe location THIS TUES from 5-8.

***Lastly, we have our hosting training on Friday evening. I am looking forward to it! It's always a great chance to meet the other hosting parents in the area, although it can be overwhelming. I'm not anticipating anything (the guidelines) to be super different than the other organization we hosted through, but we'll see. And I feel like I am ahead of the curve because I have so many pictures of K, and know a lot about her already. Maybe that will take some of the blind terror out of it. ;-)

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