Friday, January 28, 2011

Notes n stuff

So my oldest has had quite the funny week. Turns out she's been getting sick, so maybe that's made her more hilarious than normal. Here is a highlight reel of her week:

"Don't tell Mom, but I think I'm turning into a mermaid." [Yes. Don't tell Mom. She'll never figure that one out- not even when you grow fins or refuse to get out of the bathtub. Also? I have NO idea what she meant.]

She was playing 'orphanage' with her sisters. Which I know sounds weird, unless like us, you know a dozen or so adopting families, and then my guess is playing 'orphanage' is a way to show how you want to help. That's my theory. They also play 'Oksana', where they specifically adopt HER, but that's another story.

So, anyway, they were playing 'orphanage' and I guess my youngest daughter stopped playing along with the 'rules', and J said, "You better behave, or I'll send you back to the orphanage." Um, yeah, not how that works. And please never say that again or we'll end up on the news. Or Dr. Phil.

She has also realized this week that not only can she READ things, but she can....wait for it....WRITE. She is writing EVERYTHING. She wants to send cards to everyone she knows. She also wrote her first story called (this is her own spelling) "Helow. This is my storey." Then she wrote Gabe a silly note that said, "I think yr her loox wared." Which is of course "I think your hair looks weird."

But to top off the week, she wrote a note for Hadley and then stuck in under her pillow so that we found it at bedtime. She wrote, "From Jadyn to my chnookooms Hadley". I had to Google how to spell 'snookums', and we all say 'shnookums' anyway, so I think for a 6 year old, she did really well with that word. And her littlest sister was thrilled and it made my heart a big wad of goop to see one daughter go out of her way to show love to another.

Great ending to a mediocre week, in my opinion!

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