Friday, August 12, 2011

Puzzle Piece Fundraiser

Puzzle Piece Fundraiser!

We are kicking off a Puzzle Piece Fundraiser! The purpose of this
fundraiser is to jump start our funds to start our home study
 (which we need to bring K home for good!).
You can read about that by clicking here.

Each puzzle piece is $5.

Click on the PayPal button at the top right hand side of the page.

When you send your contribution, please add a note telling
 me what name to put on your puzzle piece. It can be for your child,
your family, or in honor/memory of a loved one.

When the puzzle is complete, we will frame it in a two-sided frame
 so that K will be able to see the names of those that
 helped her become a part of a forever family.

Please feel free to repost!

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